Hi there! My name is Noreen, the owner and creator of Starfish Coast. I am a pediatric nurse, wife to Matthew, dog mama to Milo, Jet and Glizzy, and lover of food, penguins, the beach, and starfish. The inspiration for Starfish Coast came to me one night while I was working an overnight shift in the pediatric ER. While I enjoy taking care of the littles, the goal was to one day get out of working nights, weekends and holidays, having to request off and just feeling burnt out by healthcare in general. My ultimate dream is to work for myself and have the privilege of creating my own schedule and creating things that bring joy to others, while being able to financially support my family! I have to shout out Matty as he helps me tremendously with projects and even running shows by himself when I work weekends. I could not do this without him. There are so many ideas I want to bring to life, and I'm excited to see how Starfish Coast grows in the years to come. Thank you for being here and following along on my journey!